The Philosophy of Krishna

While delivering one of Art Appreciation lectures at National Museum Institute, I encountered interesting opinion of concept of Lord Krishna. The lecture was concentrated on the Buddhist Art and Philosophy during 1- 3rd cent AD. The discussion about Sunga Art and Kushna Art was in progress. It is one of the high time in sculptural art in northern India,along with the main stream Buddhist art we also come across the concept of Hindu Deities flourishing. The forms of Shiva, Duraga,Ganesha, Krishana, Balram were started appearing in red sand stone at Mathura. It is a parallel development of both Buddhist and Hindu art. There is also progress in the Jain art at the same time at Mathura Art Centre. There are several references to Shiva, Rudra in the Vedas, so does Mother Goddess concept survived from time immemorial. But the concept of Krishna- a Supreme being living mundane life of a mortal comes abruptly on the surface.He belongs to the community of milkman,he is a naughty child and teenager yet miraculous one. He fights evils and odds and helps one and all.
As that day, the audience was from Indian origin only, I gave a brief description of Krishna and wanted to continue with various art forms of the period.Before, I could really get on to another art from, one of the listener wanted to go back to the Krishna and his rel ted tales and wanted to have a discussion.I welcomed his desire, and the forum was open for the same. The listener was a follower of Buddhist philosophy and concept. ( I would prefer to call Buddhism a philosophy and concept, because as Art historian I am aware, it was never professed as a religion). this Buddhist listener posed a question to the forum " Why sudden emergence of a miraculous man on the earth, who lives a mundane life within the milkman community?"
There were several answers on the floor, but none of them was convincing enough"
In brief, in Hindu philosophy/ concept, all deities lived in haven like vaikunth, Mt kailash; away and above the mortal world. (We have Lord Rama, who was part of mortal world, but was a king, well it is a different concept altogether.I shall discuss this in another post.) How come this Lord Krishna is a common man before he starts with his expedition of killing evils.
This listener explained in simple words- Because the faith of Buddhism was flourishing and was encompassing people from all strata, beyond any discrimination, it was a question of survival for the Hindu faith. Hindu faith which was secured and preserved by the Brahmins, Kshtritas and vaishya class of the society. People not belonging to the above mentioned three classes were embracing Buddism at large. It had two clear consequence on the society- one the Hindu faith was fainting away, and second these Buddhist followers then no longer belong to the lower strata of the society. so the society becomes devoid of a class of people who were doing menial tasks for them. An established social and professional class system was threaten for its existence. To avoid such situation, the concept of Lord Krishna came in. He was lord with whom one and all could relate. He was also part of mortal society as was Buddha.It seems like a sociological theory of Philosophy of Krishna.
As far, art history is concerned, I have come across form of Krishna in 3 rd cent BC. Krishna the lover, has been carved beautifully in ivories part of collection from Kabul Museum. Currently, this collection in a Paris Museum. The forms are astonishingly beautiful, they are subtle, agile, and highly romantic.

The debate related to dating of Bagvata Geeta also relate to the same question. What I saw in those ivories do interpret the Bagavata Geeta as well.So the genesis of concept of Krishana is prior to this debate of Budhism and Hinduism.


Krishna said…
The birth of Krishna is in itself a transcendental phenomenon that generates awe among the Hindus and overwhelms one and all with its supra mundane happenings. Mother Earth, unable to bear the burden of sins committed by evil kings and rulers, appealed to Brahma, the Creator for help. Brahma prayed to the Supreme Lord Vishnu, who assured him that he would soon be born on earth to annihilate tyrannical forces.

Lord Vishnu Photo, Sri Vishnu Picture, God Vishnu
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