Museum- Building Bridge in Multi Cultural Fabric Society

Museums are repositories of our past, tradition, heritage and material culture. They are institutions with great responsibility to collect, preserve and exhibit our tangible and non tangible heritage and culture. In today’s world, where cultural boundaries are becoming blur at one hand, and are creating conflict on the other hand, countries like India with multicultural societies are surviving at risk. India is country with diverse cultures, our diversity is unmatched. India has been a melting pot of diverse cultures from time immemorial. It has enriched its culture by the means of assimilation and acceptance from all over the world. Apart from, the traditionally acknowledged cultures, we may include new born cultures; what we may call culture of technology, culture of Metro cities, culture of small towns etc. One may see the development of cultures as colors of rainbow, when at peace, but at time of conflicts this beautiful rainbow can turn into a multi headed unmanageable hydra. In such circumstances, museums as integral part of society can play an important role by eradicating past and present inequalities in cultural representation of diverse people. Now, museums are increasingly becoming forums for the promotion of community relations and peace. They are addressing the problems created due to inadequate cross cultural understanding, historical fears and ethnic tensions, through negotiated activities driven by community relations strategies.
Museums are one platform where one can learn about different cultures throughout the world by viewing intriguing exhibits, which display artifacts and art. Museums showcase the history and diversity of multicultural communities, and foster greater understanding, appreciation, tolerance and pride of our heritage.
One of the missions of the museum is bridging the gap through exhibits and programs, by providing visitors the opportunity to foster an understanding and appreciation of diverse ethnic and cultural heritages, and encourage social tolerance and cooperation within a growing multicultural society.
The following key issues are central to the way museums are playing a pivotal role in bridging gaps in multicultural societies and addressing the wide range of issues with cross cultural dimensions.
Increasing recognition that Cultural diversity is a historical and social reality at the local, regional, national and global levels and museums reflect the cultural diversity. The cultural diversity is a rich inheritance of humanity that will endure as the central pillar for peace, harmony and cultural sustainability of the world.
Creating of fundamental need to acknowledge that all cultures and their manifestations are equally valid in a culturally democratic world. Within this context museums are exploring ways of relating to community cultures and economic development, the sense of place, identity and self-esteem of different people.
Exploring of inclusive methodology to address different contextual frameworks of cultural diversity including a multiplicity of interactions and cultural borders. These borders include race, ethnicity, colour, gender, class, age, physical ability, regions, location, language, faith, creed, economic status, sexual preference and so on.
Creating awareness about the cultural needs of minorities, indigenous populations and 'societies in transition' who have experienced disempowerment through displacement, dispossession and the ravages of war. The particular concerns of minorities whose cultural self-esteem and hence well-being is at risk through a process of overt or covert marginalization in mainstream societies should be addressed.
Museums are developing programmes to address cross cultural generational concerns through being relevant to children, young people and senior citizens in multicultural societies. Museums may develop projects and policies on what is called 'successful aging'. Similarly the challenge is to make museums themselves relevant to new generations of children and young people. Museums are trying to connect to play a seminal role where the confidence and cultural self-esteem of youth are coupled with the creation of cultural industry employment opportunities in innovative ways.
Museums are increasingly using networking and cultural exchanges as critical tools for effective cultural communication and sharing of different approaches to appreciate diverse cultures. Still, there is wide scope and need to share and exchange ideas and models on the different approaches to achieving a balance between culture, diversity, heritage and development concerns.
In short, I would like to emphasis upon guiding principles for museums, to evolve strategies for building bridges in multicultural societies-
Recognition and affirmation of cultural diversity at the local, regional and international levels and the reflection of this diversity in all policies and programs of museums across the world.
Promotion of heritage representation with active input from all cultures through appropriate processes of consultation, negotiation and participation.
Cooperation and coordination to share projects and enhance cultural exchanges so as to maximize on resources and expertise at the regional and global levels.
Promoting the sense of place and identity of diverse peoples through the appreciation of their diverse inheritances and the fostering of a shared vision inspired by the spirit of reconciliation.
Fostering of creativity and the development of challenging approaches to stimulate inclusive heritage consciousness in multicultural societies.
Directed and sustained endeavors to increase the operational capacity of museums to respond to transformation and changes in multicultural societies with vigor and insight.
Maximisation on the ways that will encourage the diversification of resources to address competing demands of cultural equity concerns and cultural economics.


Anonymous said…
Good for people to know.

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