ऋग्वेद Rgveda- Religious or Rational

I have a keen desire to read and try to understand Vedas. I had a fair opportunity to do so as well. I can call myself as a beginner for the studies of Vedas. I am presenting with my understanding of the Rig Veda which is quite debatable.
As per Wikipedia:
“The Rigveda (Sanskrit ऋग्वेद ṛgveda, a compound of ṛc "praise, verse"[1] and veda "knowledge") is an ancient Indian sacred collection of Vedic Sanskrit hymns dedicated to the gods (devas). It is counted among the four canonical sacred texts (śruti) of Hinduism known as the Vedas.[2] Some of its verses are still recited as Hindu prayers, at religious functions and other occasions, putting it among the world's oldest religious texts in continued use।"
As per my understanding -Rigveda is one of the oldest pieces of highly researched scientific knowledge. It is not mere a piece of literature or religion studies. It brings us deeply researched and analysed scientific knowledge about universe by Indian sages. Indian ancient scriptures are known as आध्यात्मिक Literature. आध्यात्मिक is translated as spiritual in English.But आध्यात्मिक is compound of अध्यतम +इक,which means researched. Each of these scriptures are result of research not of spiritualism and has no religious connotation.

These hymns were passed from one generation to another through learning tradition. They were supposed to be learnt by heart, not to be written down. Some of the scholars opine that writing was considered lower in the cadre of learning in Indian traditions. In a layman’s language the Vedas were written in poetic/ hymn fashion. But to understand it deeply, they are written in highly developed phonetics.As phonetics was studied as early as 2,500 years ago in ancient India.
[1] Source विकिपीडिया


Unknown said…
Nice, I like the new look, I also like the post. It's very interesting. Tell me what do you think about the science of the Mahabharat vis a vis the science of the Vedas? Did Vedic science follow a path of disuse and degration or one of improvement and advancement through time?
Hence do you feel that Vedic era science was superior to the science of the Mahabharat era and was the latter a legacy of the former?
Museums said…
Thanks Harkabir.If we follow the timeline, Mahabharta follows Vedic culture. Vedic culture is appox 2500 BC and Mahabharata is 1400-1100 BC. Various inventions of Vedic period were used in the later period. For example birth of Kauravs- as per the epic Kuravas were born through terracotta pots.or the foetus of those 100 were carried by the terracotta pots.
As per my understanding- the epic talks about Test Tube Babies, so the pots were nothing else but the tube of modern era.
There are several such evidences.As I understand that the vocaboulary has changed, but we have hardly reached there.

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